About two months ago, I went with the family and friends to the Planetarium @Bristol. We learned about the stars, or rather we learned how we read the sky. Before this trip, the sky at night had been the same to me around the year. The south like the north and the east like the west, there was no difference at all. However, in the planetarium it was explained to us how we could find the North Star between the thousands of the stars in the sky, by determining the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper. I was lucky that a friend, who his background is related to astronomy, was sitting next to me. So he was explaining anything the young lady missed in her presentation.

Now I enjoy the scene of a clear sky at night, I know it’s not very often to have a clear sky in the UK and even if we have we hardly see any star because the light pollution is just too bad. But the sky is different to me now. And I would recommend the Planetarium to anyone, children and adults. Learn more, see more, contemplate more, and find some of the footprints of the Creator.
"It is He Who maketh the stars (as beacons) for you, that ye may guide yourselves, with their help, through the dark spaces of land and sea: We detail Our signs for people who know." [6:97]